33 Best Books on Building Good Habits (Updated for 2024)

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When envisioning a master list of the “best habit books” the titles on this page immediately jumped to my mind.

These are the books that deal directly with the difficult proposition of changing your habits for the better.

This list includes absolute “must read” books like, Power of Habit. Books the show the influence of looser concepts like willpower and how they influence habits (by famed psychologist Roy Baumister) and even books that showcase the importance of laser-like focus on a single topic, such as The One Thing.

If you are interested in developing habits that can lead to important lifestyle changes included here are the best books on habit change.

Similarly is you are having a tough time creating new routines and habits and getting them to stick, this list has the best books on habit formation.

The books on this list should all be powerful considerations for anyone wanting to make tough habit changes and is facing difficulties with the process.

Stopping bad habits, starting new good habits and building routines that stand the test of time is not something that is “easy”. But it is something that can be done.

This page includes the best books on habit formation. It includes the most popular and well-researched books. I have also added a few you may not have heard about, but perhaps should such as my friend Stephen Guise and his popular mini habit ideas. (Maybe you have heard about it?)

Without further ado, let's look at the list of habit books collected here. With so many, it should not be hard to find the habits book that is best suited to your personal needs.

Best Books on Habits

1. Atomic Habits by James Clear

Atomic Habits by James Clear

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  • Small habits can lead to significant changes. The book emphasizes the power of making small, consistent changes in our habits, which can lead to remarkable results over time.
  • Focus on identity-based habits. Clear discusses the importance of shaping our identity and self-image to support the development of positive habits, rather than solely relying on willpower.
  • Create an environment that supports good habits. The author highlights the significance of designing an environment that makes good habits easier and bad habits more difficult to engage in.
  • Use the 1% rule for continuous improvement. Clear introduces the concept of getting 1% better each day, emphasizing the cumulative impact of continuous improvement over time.
  • Make habits satisfying. The book discusses the role of immediate rewards and satisfaction in reinforcing good habits, making them more likely to stick in the long run.

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones is an operating manual on building better life-long habits.

James Clear shares his personal experience on how he reached success at every milestone in his life, including recovering from a near-fatal accident he sustained during a high school baseball game.

You can find tons of actionable ideas for self-improvement in this book. The author shares concepts that were drawn from several fields of study, including philosophy, neuroscience, and biology.

Clear’s book promises to help fulfill your potentials. You’ll be guided every step of the way as you establish the behaviors that will bring you closer to success in all areas of your life.

Some of the stuff you’ll learn includes how to harness the benefits of the compounding effect. Furthermore, you will be introduced to a model and the 4 laws of effective behavioral change.

This book is a great jump-off point for those who want to develop life-long good habits but have not yet found the system that works for them.

Want to build a new habit that will stick for the rest of your lifetime? In this video, you will discover a simple 9-step process about building habits that you can immediately implement.

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2. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

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  • Habits are powerful and can be changed. The book explores the science behind habits and how understanding their structure can help individuals and organizations make positive changes.
  • The habit loop: Duhigg introduces the habit loop – cue, routine, reward – and explains how identifying and manipulating these components can lead to habit modification.
  • Keystone habits have far-reaching effects. The concept of keystone habits, which are small changes that have a ripple effect on other areas of life, is a key theme in the book.
  • Organizations and habits: The author delves into how habits shape the culture and success of organizations, offering insights into how businesses can transform by understanding and altering their habits.
  • Change is possible through understanding and action. The book provides real-life examples and practical strategies for individuals and groups to harness the power of habits and enact meaningful change.

When I make these book lists I usually don’t have a “favorite” book. Often I like different books for different reasons. Making it onto the list at all means the book should be worth reading. However in this case, “The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business” is my favorite book on this list.

This NY Times bestseller was groundbreaking when it was released. Every single writer with a book on this list published after “Power of Habit” was influenced by this book. Whether they admit it or not.

If you want a detailed review of Duhigg’s book, check out this detailed post I made: The Power of Habit Review. In this review, I cover every single important aspect brought up in the book and list many reasons why this book is so important to anyone who wants to make a change in their lives.

So, is this book perfect? Of course not. No book is. If I was forced to say something negative I would say it is too much theory and not enough actionable material. Duhigg gets about 2/3 of the way through the book before telling you what you can so about habits.

The info he shares at that point is wonderful, but I wished it was more. Still, this is a book that should be on the bookshelf of every single person who cares about making a positive change in their lives.

3. Mindset by Carol Dweck

Mindset by Carol Dweck

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  • Fixed vs. growth mindset. Dweck introduces the concept of fixed and growth mindsets, highlighting how individuals' beliefs about their abilities can impact their behavior and success.
  • Embrace challenges and learning. The book emphasizes the importance of embracing challenges and seeing them as opportunities for growth, rather than as threats to one's competence.
  • Effort and persistence lead to mastery. Dweck discusses how effort and persistence are essential for developing skills and achieving mastery, particularly in the context of a growth mindset.
  • Feedback and criticism as opportunities. The author encourages readers to view feedback and criticism as valuable tools for improvement, rather than as indictments of their abilities.
  • Cultivate a growth mindset in all areas of life. The book advocates for cultivating a growth mindset not only in academic or professional pursuits, but also in relationships, personal development, and overall well-being.

Like “the Power of Habit” and a later entry, “Willpower”, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success is one of the three books I think that every single person who is interested in making a change in their lives “must” read.

In this book, Professor of Psychology Carol S. Dweck recounts her discovery of the power of one's mindset. She demonstrates how people can be successful in all areas of their lives if they think about their talents and abilities in a certain way.

She argues that people who believe that abilities are fixed are less likely to grow and develop their talents than those with a growth mindset, who believe that their abilities can be advanced.

A person's mindset is able to show how great leaders can use this idea to encourage accomplishment. Dweck teaches the reader that if you have the right mindset, you can motivate people to transform their lives.

4. Habit Stacking by Steve Scott

Habit Stacking by Steve Scott

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  • Building habits through stacking. The book introduces the concept of habit stacking, where new habits are anchored to existing routines, making it easier to incorporate them into daily life.
  • Small changes lead to big results. Scott emphasizes the power of making small, incremental changes to daily routines, which can lead to significant improvements over time.
  • Focus on consistency. The author stresses the importance of consistency in habit formation, advocating for the establishment of a regular, predictable schedule to support new habits.
  • Tailoring habits to personal needs. Scott encourages readers to customize their habit stacks based on their individual goals, preferences, and lifestyle, promoting a more personalized and sustainable approach to habit formation.
  • Overcome resistance with habit stacking. The book provides strategies for overcoming resistance to change by leveraging the habit stacking method, making it easier to adopt new behaviors and routines.

Habit Stacking: 127 Small Changes to Improve Your Health, Wealth, and Happiness is all about action. Some of the ideas are pulled from other powerful books on habits. What makes this book unique is how concise and action-oriented it is.

This book teaches the reader the benefit of making many small changes that all add up to a large positive life change. Essentially, if you start with one positive habit, such as eating a healthy breakfast, it will lead to many more throughout the day that will impact your goals.

Habit Stacking is meant to add new habits to each day to create a new routine. This book comes with a list of 127 small changes with instructions on how to make the suggested changes. It also provides the reader with steps to help them turn small changes into a new lifestyle.

Readers have found that this book is written clearly and is very easy to understand. It is a sincere book that allows the reader to have a peek into the author's life, as many things that are discussed are from personal stories or experiences.

5. The Art of Good Habits by Nathalie Hermann

The Art of Good Habits by Nathalie Hermann

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  • The book emphasizes the importance of understanding the psychology behind habits and how they are formed, providing insights into how to effectively change them.
  • It offers practical strategies for creating and maintaining good habits, including setting clear goals, creating a supportive environment, and utilizing positive reinforcement.
  • The author discusses the role of self-awareness and mindfulness in developing good habits, highlighting the impact of mindset and attitude on behavior change.
  • The book delves into the concept of habit stacking, which involves linking new habits to existing ones to facilitate their integration into daily routines.
  • It also explores the significance of consistency and perseverance in habit formation, emphasizing the need for patience and resilience in the process of cultivating lasting behavioral changes.

In this book, the author teaches the reader how to take ownership of their own happiness through small changes in the way they approach life. The Art of Good Habits: Health, Love, Presence, and Prosperity gives the reader a step-by-step action plan to help achieve goals and maintain their success.

This book helps readers gain control over their lives with understandable principles and effective methods. The reader will learn how to look internally for the answers they need to improve their daily habits.

Readers have found this book to be full of useful information. It is an easy read and can begin changing one's life from the first chapter.

6. Willpower by Roy F. Baumister and John Tierney

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  • The book delves into the science of willpower, explaining how it functions as a finite resource that can be depleted through use but also strengthened through practice.
  • It explores the impact of self-control on various aspects of life, including personal success, relationships, and overall well-being, shedding light on the importance of managing and conserving willpower.
  • The authors discuss strategies for enhancing willpower, such as setting specific goals, establishing routines, and minimizing decision fatigue to preserve mental energy.
  • The book delves into the concept of ego depletion, which refers to the idea that exerting self-control in one area can lead to reduced willpower in other domains, offering insights into how to mitigate its effects.
  • It also examines the role of motivation, belief, and mindset in bolstering willpower, emphasizing the significance of cultivating a resilient and proactive mindset to overcome obstacles and achieve long-term goals.

Along with, “the Power of Habit” and “Mindset” it is my opinion that Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength is a part an unofficial trilogy of unrelated, “must-read” books for habit change.

They are all on various topics, but collectively they cover the important aspects of making habit change. They are all New York Times bestseller’s and they are all amongst the best-researched books on this list.

This book, written by a research psychologist and a New York Times science writer, changes our understanding of self-control.

The authors use cutting-edge research along with the wisdom of real-world experts to teach the reader lessons on how to focus their strength and resist temptation in order to improve their lives.

The authors do a good job of showing readers how to set realistic goals, track their progress, and how to stay positive if they mess up. This book's ultimate goal is to show the reader that they will never be able to reach their goal if they can't manage self-control.

Readers have noted that they appreciate the mix of practical wisdom with recent research science. Readers also claim to finish this book with a better understanding of how their minds work when they are trying to use their willpower.

7. The ONE Thing by Gary Keller

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  • The book advocates for the prioritization of one's most important task, referred to as the “one thing,” to achieve extraordinary results, emphasizing the power of focus and concentration.
  • It emphasizes the significance of goal setting and long-term vision, encouraging readers to align their daily actions with their overarching objectives to maximize productivity and success.
  • The authors discuss the concept of time blocking, promoting the practice of dedicating uninterrupted periods to the “one thing” to minimize distractions and optimize productivity.
  • The book delves into the domino effect, highlighting how small, focused actions can lead to significant outcomes over time, underscoring the impact of consistency and persistence.
  • It also addresses the importance of balancing different areas of life, advocating for the integration of personal and professional goals to create a fulfilling and harmonious lifestyle.

On my blog,I am constantly espousing the usefulness of the simple basic premise of this book. Increasing effectiveness by limiting your focus to only one thing. It is a simple concept, but a powerful concept when properly utilized.

In our fast-paced, chaotic world, people are often putting out second-rate work because there are so many distractions going on each day. However, people want to be productive and successful.

Keller teaches his readers how to bypass distractions, achieve great results using less time, build momentum, reduce stress, increase energy, and stay focused.

Readers have found The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results to be eye-opening, and although it is easy to understand, many read it multiple times. (Myself included) This book is easily applied to people in any situation who have a goal, so it is a very versatile read.

8. High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard

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  • The book outlines six habits that are essential for achieving high performance, including clarity of purpose, generating energy, raising necessity, increasing productivity, developing influence, and demonstrating courage.
  • It emphasizes the role of intentionality and mindfulness in shaping one's habits and behaviors, highlighting the impact of conscious choices on overall performance and success.
  • The author delves into the concept of necessity, stressing the importance of creating a compelling reason or sense of urgency to drive action and maintain motivation.
  • The book provides practical strategies for enhancing productivity, such as prioritizing tasks, managing time effectively, and minimizing distractions to optimize performance.
  • It also underscores the significance of continuous growth and learning, advocating for the cultivation of influence and leadership skills to inspire and impact others positively.

Performance coach Brendon Burchard uses this book to reveal what he has found to be the most effective habits for achieving long-term success. The author argues that there are just six habits that people need to adopt in order to be successful in life.

To become successful, people must:

No matter which area in life you are looking to succeed in, these habits can help people achieve remarkable things. Each habit presented in this book includes stories and science to back it up, along with exercises and practices that the reader can start doing.

While some readers have found that High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way is a bit verbose, others appreciate the number of stories and examples that are included.

Readers finish this book learning that the main thing they have to do in life to be successful is to be deliberate about their actions. This has helped many of Burchard's fans increase their success.

9. Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits by Joyce Meyer

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  • The book emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and introspection in identifying and transforming habits, offering insights into the psychological and spiritual aspects of habit formation.
  • It provides practical guidance on breaking free from detrimental habits and cultivating positive ones, incorporating principles of faith, discipline, and personal accountability.
  • The author delves into the role of mindset and belief systems in shaping habits, highlighting the impact of renewing one's thoughts and aligning them with positive, life-affirming patterns.
  • The book addresses the significance of perseverance and resilience in the process of habit change, encouraging readers to embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.
  • It also emphasizes the value of community and support in overcoming destructive habits, promoting the importance of seeking guidance, accountability, and encouragement from others on the journey to transformation.

Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits: 14 New Behaviors That Will Energize Your Life makes an essential argument I totally agree with. That nearly everything people do is a result of a habit.

Either a bad habit causing you to do things you know are bad for you, or a good habit getting you to do the simple good things you need to do every day. (They can be as simple as brushing your teeth every day).

Because of this, Meyer teaches the reader how to develop good habits and break bad ones to help limit frustration and stress that often wear people out.

She points out how getting rid of a bad habit is easier when you replace it with a good habit. Because your mind wants to do something with the time spent on your old bad habits, why not give it something good in place.

This idea is essential to my own actionable 27 step plan to break ANY bad habit. Check it out to get rid of those bad habits.

Meyer urges people to choose one area of their life, whether it is generosity, discipline, faith, or something else, and start building good habits. Take it one step at a time and celebrate the small successes.

Readers enjoy the funny stories and examples that Meyer includes in this book to prove her point. The voice of the book is inspiring, which also helps readers benefit from taking the time to read it.

10. The Now Habit by Neil Fiore, Ph.D

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  • The book offers strategies for overcoming procrastination by addressing its underlying causes, such as fear of failure, perfectionism, and low self-esteem, providing practical tools for changing one's approach to work and productivity.
  • It emphasizes the importance of managing time effectively and setting realistic, achievable goals, encouraging readers to adopt a proactive and structured approach to task completion.
  • The author discusses the concept of “unscheduling,” a method for prioritizing leisure and relaxation to reduce stress and increase motivation, promoting a balanced and sustainable approach to work and life.
  • The book delves into the role of self-compassion and positive self-talk in combating procrastination, advocating for a mindset of self-acceptance and resilience in the face of challenges.
  • It also highlights the significance of cultivating a sense of play and creativity in daily tasks, fostering a more enjoyable and fulfilling approach to work while reducing feelings of pressure and resistance.

The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play gives the reader a comprehensive plan to help reduce stress and increase the amount of time they have to enjoy relaxing without feeling guilty.

The techniques that are laid out in this book will help anyone begin tasks sooner and finish them quickly without procrastinating or trying to reach for perfectionism.

If you have trouble with procrastination, this can be a great book to help you modify your habits to a more immediate and effective routine.

This book not only helps readers understand why they procrastinate, but it also gives some tools to help overcome procrastination. It takes a compassionate, rather than a scolding, approach to help readers improve their lives and stop putting things off.

11. How to Stop Procrastinating by Steve Scott

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  • The book offers practical strategies for overcoming procrastination, including time management techniques, breaking tasks into smaller steps, and creating a conducive work environment.
  • It emphasizes the role of self-discipline and accountability in combating procrastination, providing actionable steps for developing a proactive mindset and taking ownership of one's actions.
  • The author delves into the concept of “eating the frog first,” advocating for tackling the most challenging or unpleasant tasks at the beginning of the day to build momentum and reduce avoidance behaviors.
  • The book provides insights into the psychological factors contributing to procrastination, addressing issues such as fear of failure, perfectionism, and lack of motivation, offering tools for reframing these patterns.
  • It also highlights the importance of setting clear goals and priorities, promoting the use of to-do lists and time-blocking techniques to enhance productivity and minimize procrastination.

How to Stop Procrastinating: A Simple Guide to Mastering Difficult Tasks and Breaking the Procrastination Habit delivers a straight-forward framework on how to build an action-oriented habit and stop procrastinating.

It is written in a motivational tone that gets readers excited to start planning their time wisely and choosing the tasks that are most important to their final goals.

How to Stop Procrastinating is a great book for both people who sometimes find themselves to be a bit lazy with their work all the way up to people who are always waiting until the last minute to do things.

It includes an abundance of information to help readers of all kinds overcome their procrastination tendencies.

Readers love the personal stories in this book as well as the actionable content that helps readers improve from the beginning. The author removes his filter to let his readers know exactly what they need to do in order to get their lives into gear.

12. Rewire by Richard O’Conner

Rewire by Richard O’Conner

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  • The book emphasizes the importance of understanding the brain's plasticity and its ability to change throughout life, offering hope for personal growth and transformation.
  • It delves into the science behind habits and how they can be rewired, providing practical strategies for breaking free from negative patterns and creating new, positive ones.
  • O'Connor discusses the impact of stress on the brain and offers insights into managing stress effectively to promote mental and emotional well-being.
  • The book explores the role of mindfulness and meditation in rewiring the brain, highlighting their potential to enhance cognitive function and emotional resilience.
  • Rewire also addresses the power of relationships and social connections in shaping the brain, underscoring the importance of healthy interpersonal bonds for overall mental health.

Rewire: Change Your Brain to Break Bad Habits, Overcome Addictions, Conquer Self-Destructive Behavior is a thought-based guide to ending bad habits. The author aims to show the reader how people have two brains. One is a conscious and deliberate brain, while the other is an automatic brain.

The automatic self makes most of our decisions, and there are ways to train this part of us to ignore disruptions, overcome temptations, and stop reflexive responses that can be self-sabotaging.

This book gives readers a roadmap to getting past some of the most common self-destructive habits such as procrastination, anxiety, self-medication, internet addiction, overeating, and risk-taking.

This is a great book if you are trying to move past a hurdle in your life and have not yet been able to pinpoint a strategy to do so.

13. Changeology by John C. Norcross

Changeology by John C. Norcross

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  • Changeology presents a practical, step-by-step approach to making successful and lasting changes in various aspects of life, drawing on evidence-based strategies and techniques.
  • The book highlights the importance of understanding the stages of change and tailoring interventions to match an individual's readiness and motivation for change.
  • Norcross emphasizes the significance of setting specific, achievable goals and implementing effective self-monitoring and feedback mechanisms to track progress and maintain momentum.
  • Changeology underscores the role of social support and accountability in sustaining change efforts, offering insights into leveraging relationships to bolster personal transformation.
  • The book also addresses the potential obstacles and relapse triggers that individuals may encounter during the change process, providing guidance on how to anticipate and overcome these challenges effectively.

Changeology: 5 Steps to Realizing Your Goals and Resolutions argues that there is a five-step approach to help make change easier. The author, Dr. John C. Norcross, spent thirty years studying how people are able to make permanent changes in their lives and overcome dozens of behavioral ailments.

This guide outlines his approach to personal improvement.

Unlike other self-help books, Changeology has a track record of success. It provides the reader with the tools that are needed to change one's habits in ninety days. This book also provides personal assessments and helpful tools through the author’s website.

Readers have found this book to be refreshing and clever with information that they have not read before. No matter what the end goal is, this book can help the reader achieve it and have long-term success.

14. Sticky Habits by Barrie Davenport

Sticky Habits by Barrie Davenport

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  • Sticky Habits delves into the science of habit formation and offers practical techniques for creating lasting behavioral changes, emphasizing the role of repetition and consistency in establishing new habits.
  • The book explores the concept of “sticky habits” and how individuals can leverage environmental cues and triggers to reinforce desired behaviors and minimize the effort required for habit maintenance.
  • Davenport provides insights into the psychology of motivation and willpower, offering strategies for boosting self-discipline and cultivating a mindset conducive to habit adherence.
  • Sticky Habits addresses the importance of identifying and reshaping underlying beliefs and thought patterns that may impede habit formation, advocating for a holistic approach to behavior change.
  • The book also emphasizes the significance of self-awareness and mindfulness in cultivating sticky habits, highlighting the role of reflection and introspection in fostering sustainable lifestyle modifications.

Sticky Habits: 6 Simple Steps To Create Good Habits That Stick helps readers to learn a new skill, begin a positive resolution, or overcome any trouble that they have had in the past sticking to goals.

This might be the right book for you if you have a habit that you have been wanting to form, you just haven't been able to actually get up and do it yet.

Sticky Habits addresses people's ability (or inability) to stick to a habit until it becomes a routine. If you have ever had trouble following through with a goal, you need to read about the science-backed skills in this book that have been proven to keep you on track for as long as you hope.

The author presents the idea that a great plan coupled with small steps and accountability can help anyone achieve a new habit. Readers have found that the author has once again proven that she can lead people through to change to create a more productive life.

The author begins the book with the simple things before progressing to complex components to habit creation.

One thing in particular that readers have noted about this book is that they came away seeing the errors that they had made in the past when they were trying to create new habits.

While some people were trying to take on too much at once and others were starting with complex habits, each person was able to see their mistakes in hindsight after reading this book. It is clear that the author has done her research and understands her findings.

15. Take the Stairs by Rory Vaden

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  • Take the Stairs advocates for the principle of disciplined action and perseverance, promoting the idea of making daily choices that lead to long-term success and fulfillment.
  • Vaden emphasizes the concept of self-discipline as a key driver of personal and professional achievement, offering practical strategies for overcoming procrastination and embracing a proactive mindset.
  • The book encourages readers to embrace the habit of taking the “harder path” in pursuit of their goals, highlighting the rewards of effort, sacrifice, and resilience in the face of challenges.
  • Vaden addresses the impact of time management and prioritization on productivity, advocating for a focus on high-value activities and the avoidance of distractions.
  • Take the Stairs underscores the importance of developing a strong work ethic and a commitment to continuous improvement, emphasizing the long-term benefits of consistent effort and determination.

Take the Stairs: 7 Steps to Achieving True Success uses the analogy of choosing to ride the escalator or take the stairs to talk about self-discipline. Vaden argues that our society tends to take the escalator, meaning that people like shortcuts and quick fixes.

However, that leads to compromise, procrastination, and mediocre work. His point is that what may seem like an easy path is actually harder in the long-run and it won't help you achieve your highest goals.

Take the Stairs offers the readers a simple program for bypassing the temptations of quick fixes and moving past personal setbacks to help complete the work that leads to success.

This guide to offers a new way of thinking that can become second-hand if you practice it enough. Many have found themselves to be more productive after reading this book than ever before, and able to enjoy their time with family and friend more as well as actually relax during their breaks.

Most people are scared of change, but this book offers a new way of boldly living that will not be regretted.

16. Focus by Heidi Grant Halvorson Ph.D

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  • Focus delves into the science of achieving goals and offers practical strategies for enhancing motivation, persistence, and productivity, emphasizing the role of mindset in shaping success.
  • Halvorson explores the concept of self-regulation and its impact on goal pursuit, providing insights into managing distractions, maintaining focus, and overcoming obstacles.
  • The book addresses the power of “implementation intentions” in driving goal-directed behavior, offering guidance on how to effectively plan and execute actions that lead to desired outcomes.
  • Focus highlights the importance of understanding individual strengths and weaknesses, advocating for a personalized approach to goal setting and progress monitoring.
  • Halvorson also discusses the role of feedback and self-reflection in fostering continuous improvement, underscoring the value of learning from setbacks and adjusting strategies to optimize goal attainment.

In Focus: Use Different Ways of Seeing the World for Success and Influence, Halvorson discusses the two kinds of pleasure and pain that motivate everything people do. If someone is promotion-focused, that person aims to advance and avoid missing any opportunities.

If someone is prevention-focused, that person tries to minimize their losses and stay afloat. If you are able to understand how people focus, then you will have the power to create motivation for yourself and the people around you.

Halvorson uses this book to display a wide variety of situations that showcase how both promotion and prevention focus applies to everyday life.

Whether it is running a business or trying to score a second date, the authors are able to show the reader how to identify and change focus, if needed. They also teach the reader how to use focus correctly in order to get results.

Readers enjoy that this book is straight to the point, fast, and easy read. People who read the author's previous book, Succeed, found there were many repetitions in this book. However, the information is still useful, so it is not a waste to read if you have already read books by this author.

17. Mini Habits by Stephen Guise

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  • Mini Habits introduces the concept of “mini habits,” advocating for the effectiveness of starting small to build sustainable, long-term habits and achieve significant results.
  • Guise emphasizes the power of consistency in habit formation, promoting the idea of setting minimal, achievable daily goals to create momentum and overcome resistance.
  • The book addresses the psychological barriers to behavior change, offering insights into leveraging the brain's natural inclination towards small, manageable tasks to bypass procrastination and inertia.
  • Mini Habits highlights the role of positive reinforcement and self-compassion in cultivating lasting habits, encouraging readers to celebrate small victories and embrace a supportive, non-judgmental mindset.
  • Guise also provides practical techniques for adapting and expanding mini habits over time, promoting a gradual and adaptable approach to personal growth and behavior modification.

To put it simply the idea of mini-habits is breaking down habits until they are “too small to fail”. Guise often uses the example of pushups to illustrate his point.

If you have a goal of 50 pushups a day it is likely to fail over time because there will be days you just don’t want to do it and pull extreme measures to avoid your task. This is often how habits fail.

On the other hand if you goal is 5 pushups or even 2 pushups, what excuses could you make? The task is so easy it is impossible not to meet the goal. The secret is that with these minimum goals there should be nothing keeping you from doing “more”.

So what starts out as 5 pushups could easily turn into twenty or even that 50. The important part is to keep the number ridiculously small so that failure is not an option and you get large unbroken streaks of success.

A very interesting concept in the very well written book “Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results“. Interesting thoughts for anyone who is interested in habits and habit change.

18. Failing Forward by John C. Maxwell

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  • Failing Forward reframes the concept of failure as a stepping stone to success, emphasizing the importance of learning from mistakes and leveraging setbacks as opportunities for growth.
  • Maxwell offers insights into the mindset of successful individuals who view failure as a temporary event rather than a defining outcome, highlighting the resilience and determination required to bounce back from adversity.
  • The book addresses the significance of taking calculated risks and embracing a proactive approach to learning from failures, advocating for a mindset that welcomes challenges as valuable learning experiences.
  • Failing Forward underscores the role of perseverance and self-reflection in navigating failure, offering practical strategies for maintaining optimism and resilience in the face of setbacks.
  • Maxwell also emphasizes the importance of accountability and humility in the process of failing forward, promoting a mindset of personal responsibility and a willingness to seek feedback and guidance.

New York Times best-selling author John C. Maxwell uses Failing Forward: How to Make the Most of Your Mistakes to talk about how some people seem to be born to be achievers while others seem to have to struggle through everything. So, what is the reason behind the successes of the people to whom it comes easy?

This book argues that the difference between average people and people who are quick to achieve is their reaction to their own failures.

Most people are not equipped to deal with failure and are brought up to fear it and even misunderstand it. However, the key is to make failure your friend, which is what is taught in this book.

Readers have found that this book can be meaningful for anyone who is facing difficult challenges in their lives. It is an easy read and includes a lot of useful information about learning from failures and turning them into success.

The author gives the reader a list of steps to take to “fail forward” and includes real-life stories of people who once failed but were able to turn the situation into a success.

The author shows that to succeed in a career, a person has to work hard, set goals, be motivated, have the right attitude while dealing with adversity, and take responsibility for their mistakes.

19. Making Habits, Breaking Habits by Jeremy Dean

Making Habits, Breaking Habits by Jeremy Dean

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  • Making Habits, Breaking Habits delves into the science of habit formation and modification, offering evidence-based insights into the psychology of behavior change.
  • Dean explores the mechanics of habit formation, highlighting the role of cues, routines, and rewards in shaping automatic behaviors, and provides practical strategies for creating and altering habits.
  • The book addresses the impact of environmental and social influences on habit development, advocating for a holistic approach to habit change that considers external factors and support systems.
  • Making Habits, Breaking Habits underscores the potential for self-awareness and mindfulness to facilitate habit modification, emphasizing the role of conscious attention in reshaping ingrained behaviors.
  • Dean also discusses the challenges of breaking unwanted habits and offers evidence-based techniques for overcoming resistance and maintaining long-term behavior change.

This book addresses how long it should take to turn a new habit into part of your regimen. Making Habits, Breaking Habits: Why We Do Things, Why We Don't, and How to Make Any Change Stick is the rundown of a psychologist's popular examination of the processes of the mind.

He argues that while people like to think that they are in control of themselves, a lot of human behavior happens without any conscious thought.

This book references hundreds of studies to debunk the myth that people are in control and explain why habits that may seem simple, like eating a salad every day, can actually be difficult to maintain. This book goes on to talk about how to take charge of the brain's natural “autopilot” and make changes stick.

Readers have found that this book is both witty and intriguing. While this book does not offer a step-by-step guide, it gives the reader a workable framework to create one's own plan to follow through with their proposed habits.

This book calmly and clearly lays out research regarding habits and then systematically explains how to apply this research to your life in order to improve it. Many readers find tips in this book that they are able to put to use right away.

20. Succeed by Heidi Grant Halvorson Ph.D

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  • Succeed delves into the science of achievement and offers evidence-based strategies for setting and pursuing meaningful goals, emphasizing the role of mindset in shaping success.
  • Halvorson explores the concept of “self-theories” and their impact on motivation and resilience, providing insights into how individuals' beliefs about their abilities influence their approach to challenges and setbacks.
  • The book addresses the importance of setting specific, challenging goals and maintaining a growth-oriented mindset, advocating for a focus on effort and learning rather than innate talent.
  • Succeed highlights the role of self-regulation and effective goal monitoring in driving progress, offering practical techniques for managing distractions and maintaining momentum.
  • Halvorson also discusses the influence of social and environmental factors on goal pursuit, emphasizing the value of social support and a conducive environment in fostering success.

Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals is extraordinary book that applies real science to the goals and struggles that people face. Common things such as losing weight, improving relationships, making more money, and getting motivated are all addressed in this book.

Whether someone wants to escape a rut or accelerate their success, this book provides the readers with a comprehensive, step-by-step guide that is scientifically-based.

Halvorson uses personal examples as a professional, wife, and mother to describe the most effective ways to frame goals, plan for success, and see that success come to fruition, even after dealing with moments of failure along the way.

This book includes several scientific studies to show that the way people pursue their goals has a huge influence on how likely they are to succeed. Readers have found that the author does a good job in applying these studies to everyday life.

The writing in this book is engaging and funny while still being down-to-earth. The author is clearly passionate and knowledgeable about the subject matter and doesn't include a lot of the cliche things that you would typically find in this type of book.

Instead, this is a realistic guidebook for increasing motivation, setting and achieving goals, and experiencing personal growth.

21. Redirect by Timothy D. Wilson

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  • Redirect explores the power of story editing and mental simulation in reshaping individuals' narratives and perspectives, offering insights into the potential for cognitive interventions to drive positive change.
  • Wilson delves into the concept of story editing and its impact on behavior and well-being, highlighting the role of reframing personal narratives in promoting resilience and growth.
  • The book addresses the influence of social and environmental cues on decision-making and behavior, advocating for targeted interventions that leverage contextual factors to drive desired outcomes.
  • Redirect underscores the potential for small, strategic nudges and interventions to produce meaningful shifts in attitudes and actions, offering practical examples of how subtle changes can lead to significant behavioral changes.
  • Wilson also discusses the role of self-reflection and self-awareness in fostering personal transformation, emphasizing the value of introspection and mindfulness in the process of redirecting behavior and mindset.

World-renowned psychologist Timothy Wilson talks about how making small changes to the stories we tell ourselves can lead to a positive, lasting change.

Redirect: The Surprising New Science of Psychological Change allows readers to see themselves and their environment in a different way, and use that to their advantage.

Redirect is written in an engaging way and includes many stories that make it easy to read. Redirect covers a variety of problems in society, such as racism, teen pregnancy, addiction, etc. Many people will find this book to be relatable in some way to their own lives.

22. Unhooked by Susan Shapiro

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  • Unhooked by Susan Shapiro offers a candid and insightful exploration of addiction and recovery, drawing from the author's personal experiences and interviews with experts in the field.
  • The book emphasizes the importance of finding alternative coping mechanisms and support systems to break free from addictive behaviors.
  • Shapiro's narrative highlights the complexities of addiction and the impact it has on individuals, relationships, and overall well-being.
  • Through various anecdotes and case studies, Unhooked underscores the significance of seeking professional help and building a strong network of understanding and compassionate allies.
  • Ultimately, the book delivers a message of hope and resilience, illustrating that recovery is possible with determination, self-reflection, and a commitment to change.

This might be the right book for you if you are being held back from getting what you want out of life due to some type of addiction. Whether it is smoking, drinking, drugs, gambling, or something else, if your crutch is getting in the way of living a productive life, you have to learn how to stop.

Unhooked: How to Quit Anything is an actionable guide to moving past any habit that is addicting and restraining. The solution that this book offers only requires a better understanding of oneself and a change in attitude.

The author uses real patient examples and research along with personal experience to show the reader how to flourish without self-medicating.

The method shown in this enlightening book teaches a lot about family dynamics and the role that families play in addiction. It is is well-written, interesting, and includes many real-life stories of addiction. This book teaches a lot about why people do what they do and why they should stop.

23. Smart Change by Art Markman PhD

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  • Smart Change offers practical strategies for making lasting changes in behavior and habits by leveraging the power of cognitive science.
  • The book emphasizes the importance of setting specific, achievable goals and implementing gradual, sustainable changes to foster long-term success.
  • Markman's insights shed light on the role of motivation, self-control, and decision-making in driving behavioral change, providing readers with actionable techniques to overcome common obstacles.
  • Smart Change underscores the significance of understanding one's own thought patterns and biases, empowering individuals to reframe their mindset and approach change more effectively.
  • The book equips readers with a comprehensive toolkit for harnessing the potential of their cognitive abilities to cultivate positive, enduring transformations in various aspects of their lives.

Smart Change: Five Tools to Create New and Sustainable Habits in Yourself and Others helps its readers change their habits by explaining the psychology behind how habits are formed. It gives actionable advice to help reader change their habits for the better.

This book uses an engaging narrative to go over a wide range of habits, covering both personal and professional habits. So, whether you are looking to lose weight or you want to learn how to effectively land a sale, this book has something in it for you.

The author proposes that there are five tools that people need to use to change their behavior and help people impact the habits of the people around them.

Readers have found that the principles laid out in this book are very helpful. While the book is a bit dry at times, it lays out a clear list of things that people need to do in order to make changes to their lives.

24. Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson

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  • Who Moved My Cheese? is a compelling parable that illuminates the inevitable nature of change and the importance of adapting to new circumstances.
  • The book emphasizes the significance of embracing change proactively rather than resisting it, highlighting the transformative impact of a flexible mindset.
  • Through the characters' experiences, Johnson underscores the value of recognizing and seizing opportunities for growth and innovation in the face of uncertainty.
  • Who Moved My Cheese? conveys the message that fear of change can be conquered by cultivating a resilient and open-minded approach, ultimately leading to personal and professional fulfillment.
  • Ultimately, the book imparts timeless wisdom about navigating change, inspiring readers to confront challenges with courage, creativity, and a willingness to explore new paths.

Who Moved My Cheese?: An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life is a simple parable that has much deeper truths. It tells the story of four characters living in a maze and looking for cheese.

The cheese is a metaphor for the things people want to have in life, like a good job, a healthy relationship, wealth, health, or spiritual beliefs. The maze is where you work or live and are trying to get what you want.

The problem that arises in this story is that the cheese keeps moving and the characters keep having to face unexpected obstacles. Eventually, one of the characters successfully deals with a change and records what he learned for others to discover.

This book is a metaphor for how people can learn how to anticipate and adapt to change and be ready to adapt when need be. This book is meant to decrease stress and anxiety and allow people to have more success in work and life.

It is written for all ages and is a quick read, but it holds a unique lesson that can carry on for a lifetime. Readers have found that this book is a great reminder for people and is put together in a story that is easy to remember.

Readers also appreciate the discussion chapter at the end of the book because it is able to give some real-world examples of how people can apply what they have learned in this book to their real life.

25. Changing for Good by James O. Prochaska

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  • Changing for Good presents a comprehensive model for understanding and achieving lasting behavior change, based on extensive research and practical insights.
  • The book highlights the significance of recognizing the various stages of change, from pre-contemplation to maintenance, and tailoring strategies accordingly to progress through these stages successfully.
  • Prochaska's approach emphasizes the importance of self-efficacy, support systems, and personalized action plans in sustaining positive transformations over time.
  • Changing for Good underscores the value of leveraging intrinsic motivation and addressing potential obstacles to build resilience and commitment during the change process.
  • The book equips readers with a roadmap for navigating the complexities of behavior change, empowering them to embrace personal growth and achieve sustainable, meaningful transformations in their lives.

This book may be right for you if you have found yourself giving up on goals before really even starting them.

In Changing for Good: A Revolutionary Six-Stage Program for Overcoming Bad Habits and Moving Your Life Positively Forward, three acclaimed psychologists reveal their studies of over 1,000 people who were able to create permanent changes in their lives without psychotherapy.

The authors discovered that permanent change does not have to do with luck or willpower, rather, it is a process that anyone can manage.

Readers have found that despite the fact that this is a personal development text, the tools in this book can also be applied to business change and transformation.

Readers will walk away with an understanding of the stages that humans go through as they face uninvited change. The authors of this book give a great model to explain how people in their personal lives and in businesses react during times of change.

This book is thorough and engaging. It begins with an executive summary, allowing the reader able to hit the ground running as they read the rest of the book.

The National Cancer Institute Found the program that is outlined in this book to be more than twice as effective as standard programs when it comes to helping smokers quit for 18 months.

26. The Healthy Habit Revolution by Derek Doepker

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  • The Healthy Habit Revolution offers practical strategies and insights for cultivating sustainable, health-promoting habits by leveraging the power of behavior psychology.
  • The book emphasizes the significance of starting small and gradually building momentum to create lasting lifestyle changes, advocating for the implementation of manageable, incremental adjustments.
  • Doepker's approach underscores the importance of mindset shifts, self-awareness, and environmental cues in fostering a supportive framework for sustaining healthy habits over time.
  • The Healthy Habit Revolution highlights the role of accountability, social support, and intrinsic motivation in driving meaningful and enduring transformations in health and well-being.
  • Ultimately, the book equips readers with a holistic blueprint for initiating and maintaining a healthy habit revolution, empowering them to take charge of their wellness journey and experience long-term positive outcomes.

Doepker argues that people may be taking the wrong approach to changing their lives or staying motivated. He teaches that people are not using the correct proven scientific methods to change their behaviors and their habits. They are changing their habits based on gut feeling of what is, “right”.

However, there is a way to create better habits in a short amount of time and make a change that will last.

The Healthy Habit Revolution: Create Better Habits in 5 Minutes a Day combines research from behavioral, cognitive, and human needs psychology to create an easy, three-week program for habit reform.

Doepker claims that it only takes five minutes each day to make a lasting change, even if you have no motivation.

He teaches readers how to flip the switch in their brains to want healthy behaviors.

The book does talk about getting rid of unhealthy habits, but the main purpose of the book is to help people develop positive and long-lasting habits such as eating healthy, meditating, exercising, and increasing productivity.

Readers have found that this book is very readable and down-to-earth. It lays out a clear blueprint to help people improve their lives without changing their entire day to revolve around their goals. With small changes, a large change will ensue.

27. Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy

Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy

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  • Brian Tracy’s work provides valuable insights into the habits and behaviors that contribute to success, offering practical guidance for personal and professional development.
  • The book emphasizes the significance of goal setting, time management, and continuous learning as foundational habits for achieving exceptional results.
  • Tracy's approach underscores the importance of discipline, persistence, and a focus on high-impact activities in cultivating habits that lead to extraordinary success.
  • Million Dollar Habits highlights the role of positive mindset, self-motivation, and effective decision-making in shaping habits that drive significant progress and accomplishment.
  • The book equips readers with a wealth of actionable strategies and principles for adopting and reinforcing habits that pave the way for achieving exceptional levels of success in various areas of life.

Brian Tracy’s habit book revolves around habits and how they affect what people think, feel and do. Habits can be learned to help people get rid of old and ineffective practices and replace them with optimal behaviors that can lead to large benefits to their bottom line.

Million Dollar Habits: Proven Power Practices to Double and Triple Your Income aims to teach readers how to create habits for themselves that are in line with successful people so they can think effectively, make good decisions, and increase their income.

After reading this book, readers will know how to organize their finances, improve their health, improve their relationships, become financially independent, and become a leader.

While some people have found this book to be repetitious at times, it has very useful information for anyone who is trying to build a business or achieve goals in their life.

28. Switch by Chip and Dan Heath

 Switch by Chip and Dan Heath

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  • Switch offers a compelling framework for driving successful change, integrating insights from psychology, sociology, and neuroscience to illuminate effective strategies for transformation.
  • The book emphasizes the significance of shaping the path, motivating the elephant, and directing the rider as key elements in orchestrating change at both individual and organizational levels.
  • Heath's approach underscores the importance of leveraging rational, emotional, and environmental factors to facilitate smooth transitions and sustain lasting change.
  • Switch highlights the role of clear direction, motivation, and the removal of obstacles in guiding individuals and groups toward embracing change and achieving desired outcomes.
  • The book equips readers with a comprehensive toolkit for navigating change, offering practical techniques and real-world examples to inspire and empower effective change management.

Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard makes the argument that the main obstacle to sticking to a positive habit change is a conflict that is ingrained in our brains. Psychologists have found that people have a rational mind and an emotional mind, and each competes for control.

For example, while the rational mind wants a slim body, the emotional mind would rather eat cake. The tension between the two minds can have an impact on one's effort, but if you are able to overcome this tension then you are well on your way to making a change.

This book includes real-life examples that readers can easily apply to their everyday lives. The authors use a compelling narrative to present readers with decades of research in psychology, sociology, and other fields to show new ways to make positive changes.

Readers have found that this book is very worth reading to help see how changes affect our lives. Even though there is a lot that cannot be changed, having an awareness of how the change process works is helpful.

Readers appreciate how the author illustrated effective interventions during the process of change that ended up solving problems because people had an understanding of why the change was being resisted.

29. The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal Ph.D.

The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal Ph.D.

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  • The Willpower Instinct delves into the science of self-control and willpower, offering practical strategies for strengthening and harnessing these capabilities in daily life.
  • The book emphasizes the interplay between the brain, body, and environment in influencing willpower, highlighting the impact of stress, sleep, and mindfulness on self-regulation.
  • McGonigal's approach underscores the importance of understanding and managing impulses, cravings, and procrastination to cultivate resilience and make better decisions.
  • The Willpower Instinct provides insights into the role of motivation, self-compassion, and self-awareness in bolstering willpower and achieving long-term goals.
  • Ultimately, the book equips readers with evidence-based techniques and exercises to enhance their willpower, empowering them to overcome challenges, break unhealthy habits, and cultivate a greater sense of control in their lives.

The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It explains the new science of self-control to readers and how it can be used to improve health, happiness, and productivity.

It looks at the definition of willpower along with how it works and why it is important for success.

This book combines powerful advice with complementary exercises to help readers reach their goals, reduce procrastination, improve their health, and be more productive at work.

Readers have found that this book offers a good mix of science, personal stories, and tips, making it a more down-to-earth book than others of its kind.

30. Tiny Habits by BJ Frogg Ph.D.

Tiny Habits by BJ Frogg Ph.D. | Best Books on Building Good Habits | building good habits

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  • Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything introduces a transformative approach to behavior change, advocating for the power of small, achievable habits in creating lasting impact.
  • The book emphasizes the concept of tiny habits as a gateway to building sustainable routines, highlighting the effectiveness of starting with minimal effort and gradually scaling up.
  • Fogg's approach underscores the significance of celebrating successes, cultivating positive emotions, and designing a supportive environment to reinforce tiny habits.
  • Tiny Habits provides practical guidance on behavior design, focusing on the role of motivation, simplicity, and triggers in shaping new habits and breaking old ones.
  • The book equips readers with a blueprint for implementing and maintaining tiny habits, empowering them to make meaningful, positive changes in their lives with ease and consistency.

Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything introduces a transformative approach to behavior change, advocating for the power of small, achievable habits in creating lasting impact.

The book emphasizes the concept of tiny habits as a gateway to building sustainable routines, highlighting the effectiveness of starting with minimal effort and gradually scaling up.

Fogg's approach underscores the significance of celebrating successes, cultivating positive emotions, and designing a supportive environment to reinforce tiny habits.

Tiny Habits provides practical guidance on behavior design, focusing on the role of motivation, simplicity, and triggers in shaping new habits and breaking old ones.

The book equips readers with a blueprint for implementing and maintaining tiny habits, empowering them to make meaningful, positive changes in their lives with ease and consistency.

31. The High 5 Habit by Mel Robbins

The High 5 Habit by Mel Robbins | Best Books on Building Good Habits | building good habits

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  • The High 5 Habit: Take Control of Your Life with One Simple Habit by Mel Robbins introduces a powerful practice centered on self-acknowledgment and positive affirmation, aiming to boost self-esteem and resilience.
  • The book emphasizes the transformative impact of giving oneself a “high five” as a daily ritual, promoting self-compassion and a mindset of self-empowerment.
  • Robbins' approach underscores the importance of reframing negative self-talk and embracing self-validation as a means to foster confidence and mental well-being.
  • The High 5 Habit provides actionable steps for integrating the practice into daily life, highlighting its potential to catalyze personal growth and emotional strength.
  • Ultimately, the book equips readers with a simple yet impactful tool for cultivating self-affirmation and building a more positive, resilient outlook on life.

The High 5 Habit: Take Control of Your Life with One Simple Habit by Mel Robbins introduces a powerful practice centered on self-acknowledgment and positive affirmation, aiming to boost self-esteem and resilience.

The book emphasizes the transformative impact of giving oneself a “high five” as a daily ritual, promoting self-compassion and a mindset of self-empowerment.

Robbins' approach underscores the importance of reframing negative self-talk and embracing self-validation as a means to foster confidence and mental well-being.

The High 5 Habit provides actionable steps for integrating the practice into daily life, highlighting its potential to catalyze personal growth and emotional strength.

Ultimately, the book equips readers with a simple yet impactful tool for cultivating self-affirmation and building a more positive, resilient outlook on life.

32. Mindful Relationship Habits by S.J. Scott and Barrie Davenport

Mindful Relationship Habits by S.J. Scott and Barrie Davenport | Best Books on Building Good Habits | building good habits

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  • Mindful Relationship Habits: 25 Practices for Couples to Enhance Intimacy, Nurture Closeness, and Grow a Deeper Connection emphasizes the importance of mindfulness in building and maintaining healthy relationships, offering practical strategies to cultivate awareness and presence in daily interactions.
  • It provides insights into the common pitfalls that can sabotage relationships, such as communication breakdowns and emotional reactivity, and offers actionable solutions to address these challenges.
  • Readers will learn how to develop empathy and compassion towards their partners, fostering deeper understanding and connection in their relationships.
  • The authors stress the significance of self-awareness and self-care, advocating for the prioritization of personal growth and well-being as a foundation for thriving relationships.
  • The book offers a roadmap for creating a more harmonious and fulfilling partnership by integrating mindfulness practices into everyday life.

Mindful Relationship Habits: 25 Practices for Couples to Enhance Intimacy, Nurture Closeness, and Grow a Deeper Connection emphasizes the importance of mindfulness in building and maintaining healthy relationships, offering practical strategies to cultivate awareness and presence in daily interactions.

It provides insights into the common pitfalls that can sabotage relationships, such as communication breakdowns and emotional reactivity, and offers actionable solutions to address these challenges.

Readers will learn how to develop empathy and compassion towards their partners, fostering deeper understanding and connection in their relationships.

The authors stress the significance of self-awareness and self-care, advocating for the prioritization of personal growth and well-being as a foundation for thriving relationships.

The book offers a roadmap for creating a more harmonious and fulfilling partnership by integrating mindfulness practices into everyday life.

33. Habits of a Happy Brain by Loretta Graziano Breuning

Habits of a Happy Brain by Loretta Graziano Breuning | Best Books on Building Good Habits | building good habits

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  • Habits of a Happy Brain: Retrain Your Brain to Boost Your Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin, & Endorphin Levels delves into the science of happiness, exploring the neurochemical basis of joy and offering practical strategies for rewiring the brain to cultivate lasting happiness.
  • Readers will gain insights into the role of dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphin in shaping our emotional experiences, and learn how to leverage these chemicals to promote greater well-being.
  • It provides a roadmap for breaking free from the grip of negativity bias and retraining the brain to focus on positive experiences, ultimately fostering a more optimistic outlook on life.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of building healthy habits that align with our brain's natural reward systems, empowering readers to make conscious choices that support their happiness.
  • Habits of a Happy Brain offers a compelling blend of neuroscience and practical guidance, equipping readers with the knowledge and tools to proactively shape their brain's response to life's challenges.

Habits of a Happy Brain: Retrain Your Brain to Boost Your Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin, & Endorphin Levels delves into the science of happiness, exploring the neurochemical basis of joy and offering practical strategies for rewiring the brain to cultivate lasting happiness.

Readers will gain insights into the role of dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphin in shaping our emotional experiences, and learn how to leverage these chemicals to promote greater well-being.

It provides a roadmap for breaking free from the grip of negativity bias and retraining the brain to focus on positive experiences, ultimately fostering a more optimistic outlook on life.

The author emphasizes the importance of building healthy habits that align with our brain's natural reward systems, empowering readers to make conscious choices that support their happiness.

Habits of a Happy Brain offers a compelling blend of neuroscience and practical guidance, equipping readers with the knowledge and tools to proactively shape their brain's response to life's challenges.

Final Thoughts on the Best Books on Building Good Habits

It’s clear that cultivating positive routines is not just a trend—it's a transformative journey towards personal growth and fulfillment. Each of these books offers invaluable insights, actionable strategies, and real-life examples that can empower you to make lasting changes in your life.

Whether you're looking to kickstart a new exercise regimen, improve your productivity, or adopt healthier lifestyle choices, there's a book on this list that can provide the guidance and inspiration you need.

But remember, building good habits is a journey, not a destination. It requires patience, perseverance, and a willingness to embrace both successes and setbacks along the way.

As you embark on this path of self-improvement, keep an open mind, stay committed to your goals, and celebrate every small victory along the way.

And if you're looking for more resources about building good habits, be sure to check out these blog posts:

Finally, if you need help with building habits, then check out this nine-step blueprint that walks you through the entire process of creating lifelong habits.)

building good habits | building good habits book | how to build good habits and break bad ones

1 thought on “33 Best Books on Building Good Habits (Updated for 2024)”

  1. This is an invaluable list, thank you for compiling it. I will be buying the books as and when I can afford to. Thanks again.

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